For Alexander there was no Far East,
Because he thought the Asian continent
India ended. Free Cathay at least
Did not contribute to his discontent.
But Newton, who had grasped all space, was more
Serene. To him it seemed that he'd but played
With several shells and pebbles on the shore
Of that profundity he had not made.
Swiss Einstein with his relativity -
Most secure of all. God does not play dice
With the cosmos and its activity.
Religionless equations won't suffice.
Bryce's AP Corner
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
New Years Drive Because Life Likes To Slap You Sometimes
So I went on a New Years Drive instead of a walk because I didn't want to provoke my illness and my walking partner (AKA my dog) was too terrified to come on a walk because of fireworks going off in my neighborhood. My pictures aren't very high quality because well moving+picture taking=not so pretty quality. Even though these pictures are blurry, each one is significant to me. They are all painful to think about, but a relief at the same time. They all posses a memory.
I have to admit I despised the drive the whole time. I don't like being left alone to my own thoughts. It never ends well. It always ends in wounds being picked at, or reopened. This drive for sure did that. I look at all these pictures and I see things I've done wrong. Things that I've tried to escape, but have made me who I am all at the same time. I would explain these pictures, but they're too personal to get into.
Although most of this was negative, there were still some positive parts to this. I've decided my decisions this year are going to be for me and not for anyone else's benefit. That may sound selfish, but I'm talking college. I'm going to go to the college that will benefit my future. I'm going to start doing the hobbies that I want to be a part of. I'm currently starting a couple hobbies that are not only beneficial to me, but beneficial to others. I just want to do things for me this year. I always choose to do what others want me to do, but now, it's my turn to do what I want because life is coming to the point where it's about making your own life. I dread this so much. I hate making decisions, specifically decisions that negatively affect the people I love. This year is going to suck and be great all at the same time.
I have to take it one day at a time. I have to admit that I am planning things that can't happen for another two to four years. I know I need to stop because things will happen and things will change. There are so many things that I want to do right now that I know people would be against. I wish I could make my life my own. I know that won't happen until I am out of college. I really hate having to talk about this. I'm trying to stop thinking about these things, but that's kind of the purpose of this assignment.
Also, I don't want to think about how I want to change this year. I like to take a hiatus during the month of January when I want to change myself, or plan for the year to come because I feel like a fake. I don't want to be the person who plans on going to the gym and buys a year membership and uses it for the first week of the year. I want to change on my own time, and I want to do it when it's not expected. You can change your life at any point in the year. It doesn't have to be at the beginning of the year. This is why I hate New Year's Resolutions so much. This is a rant my brain went on during my drive.
Driving as the sun started setting was also a purposeful thing. I love the night time. It's when I'm the most brave and when I come up with my best ideas. The morning is always when I talk myself out of things that I thought of the night before. I think that's why I like to do my homework later in the day even though it's nice to relax until bedtime.
It was really difficult to come out of this with anything positive to be honest. The whole time I was fighting the negative. I really do not thrive when I am forced to try and come up with positive things and renew myself. These types of things have to be an epiphany for me. If it isn't an epiphany, it's because I have to force it. The whole drive I was thinking, okay something life changing for the year, and then I see (pictures) the things that make me an awful person that just put me in a pessimistic mood. I kind of wish this assignment was a year long thing that was like, do it when you're feeling enlightened. I feel like this would be a happier blog that way. I've had this rejuvenation type walks before, but it has always been when I wanted to do it and when I felt that I needed it.
Also, I realize that some of these things are very vague. I don't like sharing my epiphanies. I tend to keep them inside until I feel comfortable talking about them. I need to be ready to share my thoughts. I don't like telling them on demand. For example, I have been toying with a life motto for about two months now. No one knows what this motto is. I feel like it wouldn't be special if I shared it with just anyone right now. I will share it one day, but for now, it would cause a negative kickback if I shared it.
To be honest, my entire drive was me fighting with myself. It was me fighting to think about lie when I didn't want to. It was me fighting the negative thoughts. It was me fighting to not be introverted. It was me trying to fight against everything I believe. I think the most common thought I had was nope I can't.
The most positive thought I had was about how gorgeous God's creation is. I am so sorry Mrs. Myers.
Monday, December 2, 2013
I Am Thankful For Missy And My Butt

I am thankful for my Butt. I am thankful for all of her cuteness. I am thankful for all of the times she has made me giggle. I am thankful for all of the times she has done cute tricks for me. I am thankful that she gets so excited to see me every time that I walk in the room. I am thankful that she loves me so much that she wants to rub her dog stink on me because it's so adorable. I am thankful for her playfulness. I'm thankful that she responds to me calling her butt. I'm thankful that she loves me with all of her doggie heart as well.
Friday, November 29, 2013
The Soul and the Goal
Fighting conflicts in my despairing heart
Memory ripping into different thoughts
Generous jabs conquer the work of art
Stabbing visits shortly amongst the shotsThe window glares at me, bearing its teeth
Bowing slowly as not to upset it
Throwing aside bloody freezing sword sheath
Cower I must avoid until I hit
Falling into the jail of killer dirt
Digging quickly with cupped bleeding fingers
Snoozing above as it slumbers unhurt
The fight rising within that which lingers
The thoughts sometimes consume the soul
Alas I must begin running the goal
Falling into the jail of killer dirt
Digging quickly with cupped bleeding fingers
Snoozing above as it slumbers unhurt
The fight rising within that which lingers
The thoughts sometimes consume the soul
Alas I must begin running the goal
Friday, November 15, 2013
I Am Antigone! Hear My Dead Voice!
Dear Haemon,
Furthermore, Polynices may have betrayed Thebes, but he will always be my blood. Look
deep at the past of the story of my blood. “How we who are left must suffer for
our father, Oedipus” (126). How much suffering do you wish Ismene and I to bare? Even though Ismene is as simple as every woman in Thebes, I know it caused her great sorrow to know Polynices would be denied a proper burial. I do not agree with her obeying the law of the land over the law of the gods, and I will not be swayed from my decisions. Polynices was my brother! My last brother! With "father and mother lost, where would I get Another brother?" (150). You must understand my issue! I could get another husband, or another son, but to receive another brother at this point is impossible.
But alas, do not pity me! It was my own decision. I will receive my consequences with honor. Honor from the gods. Let it be known, that I would never have changed anything. By the time you read this, dear Haemon, I will be dead. But you must remember, it is what I needed to do. "If this [ban on my brother's burial] is God's will, I shall learn my lesson In death" (150).I do not possess a care in the world that would change my mind as of this moment. All I care to know, is that dear Polynices is buried properly and will receive his proper standing in heaven. You will find other fields to plow, so you mustn't be sad.
With much love,
Friday, October 18, 2013
She's Smart and Stupid. She's Put Together and a Mess.
She is so scared and confused as we ride the light rail. She
keeps talking about the irrational idea that the light rail will fall of the
tracks and kill us all. She’s always been extremely irrational with her fears. I
watch her attempt to understand the map, trying to navigate it on her own, but
she gives up and gives the map to me. I don’t understand. She always seems to
understand anything that anyone gives her. Why can she not follow simple
directions to get to her destination? It’s easier than anything we are learning
in school. The directions aren’t even confusing and yet they confuse her to no
end. I mean she passed with an A in Physics.
navigate us through the roads and we reach our destination. There are three
doors that lead into the same building, but only one of the doors lead into the
correct area of the building. We end up trying all three because she can’t
remember which door leads to the correct area. She can pass all of her classes,
yet she can’t remember a simple path through a building. Oddly enough, she
remembers the number of the floor she is supposed to go to as if it was
imbedded in her mind. We travel up to the seventeenth floor of the building.
I still
don’t know what her appointment is for. Her mother is a nurse and usually tends
to all of her illnesses that she gets so frequently. Why are we in the middle
of Downtown Seattle for an hour long appointment?
I wait
for her as her appointment goes on. She
comes out seeming slightly exhausted from the appointment. She is hurried to
talk about any other subject that she can. She can’t be that sick, or else all
of our family would know.
My Aunt
says before she takes me home, we have to put in some prescriptions. That’s
when it dawns on me. She was at the Psychiatrist. But, why? She never seems to
show any sign of having a psychological illness. She is responsible and she
gets good grades. What could possibly be wrong with her? I try to get her to
talk about what her appointment was for just to hear explain what it is, but
she keeps avoiding my question, making jokes and changing the subject.
I may
never know what is exactly wrong with her, but I do know that I can see her
fear of everything outside of academics. She is kind to the point that she
would bring me a warm drink on a cold day, but she can’t do anything besides
school on her own. Her life is absorbed by something. Something that she isn’t
quite ready to talk about with the world.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Personal Statement Rough Draft
There were electrons, neutrons, and protons building
fortresses and warring around me. I was weeping because of the pain I felt from
watching them hurt each other. I was hallucinating due to a hundred and four
point one fever, but at the time, it seemed entirely real to me. My mother
decided it was time to take me to the Emergency Room, and for my sake, it was
the right decision. The war continued to pop in and out of my reality as I rode
to the Emergency Room just down the street from my home. It seemed to take an
eerily long time to drive there, but when I arrived they rushed me to a private
room where the doctors began testing me for various illnesses. The results came
back and the doctor said I was dying from dehydration due to vomiting from an
allergic reaction to antibiotics that were wrongfully prescribed to me and a
high fever from mononucleosis. He told my mother that if she would have let me
sleep through the night, I would have more than likely passed away in my sleep.
The doctor gave me fluids and I was on my way home, but my troubles were not
over yet.
stayed home from school for almost two and a half weeks and even after I
started back to school, I had to come home early because I was morbidly weak. For
the next year and a half, I was ill at least once a month, so I could hardly
participate in anything outside of school. I was extremely disheartened because
the thing I loved most about doing things outside of school was making people
feel loved and I was tired of not being able to communicate because of illness,
and I was running out of homework to do for my classes and wasting away
watching television.
I began searching for something that would
fulfill my need to interact with people and that is when I found video games. I
had always had a love for video games, but I decided to take my love to a new
level and venture into the world of online gaming. I ended up finding the video
game League of Legends. Within the first week, I had used my education of the
Spanish language to communicate with other players, I had made new friends
across the globe, and learned about various mentalities of people. I had always
been interested in the different ways people act and why and this game helped
me understand a lot of this and helped me become more empathetic to people of
all backgrounds. Every day that I was unable to go out of my home, I would get
online and talk with the people I had made friends with over Skype as we
played. At that point, I played the game to get to know others.
I made one particular friend that I
met and played the game with for hours at a time changed my life. This boy I
met had had a very difficult life. He explained every difficult detail to me in
confidence and I would listen to him for as long as he needed to talk. I always
tried my best to make him feel loved and to know that I would never judge him
for his past. He ventured on to join the military and we talk every chance we
can. He is what made me realize the importance of empathy and the importance of
giving people of all backgrounds a chance at friendship. Without him, I think I
would still be living a disheartened life.
Altogether, I cannot believe the
journey I went through. I never would have thought that I would be at this
point in my life today. It all started out with me being deathly ill and
progressing to a life with purpose. It all made me realize that I want to get a
college education to make a difference in society in any way I possibly can. If
I can make one person’s life better with everything I do for the rest of my
life, that would be worth everything to me.
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